sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2020

Defcon 2015 Coding Skillz 1 Writeup

Just connecting to the service, a 64bit cpu registers dump is received, and so does several binary code as you can see:

The registers represent an initial cpu state, and we have to reply with the registers result of the binary code execution. This must be automated becouse of the 10 seconds server socket timeout.

The exploit is quite simple, we have to set the cpu registers to this values, execute the code and get resulting registers.

In python we created two structures for the initial state and the ending state.

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}

We inject at the beginning several movs for setting the initial state:

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

The 64bit compilation of the movs and the binary code, but changing the last ret instruction by a sigtrap "int 3"
We compile with nasm in this way:

os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

And use GDB to execute the code until the sigtrap, and then get the registers

fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():

We just parse the registers and send the to the server in the same format, and got the key.

The code:

from libcookie import *
from asm import *
import os
import sys

host = ''
port = 9999

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
fregs = 15

s = Sock(TCP)
s.timeout = 999

data = s.readUntil('bytes:')

#data =
#data = s.readAll()

sz = 0

for r in data.split('\n'):
    for rk in cpuRegs.keys():
        if r.startswith(rk):
            cpuRegs[rk] = r.split('=')[1]

    if 'bytes' in r:
        sz = int(r.split(' ')[3])

binary = data[-sz:]
code = []

print '[',binary,']'
print 'given size:',sz,'bin size:',len(binary)        
print cpuRegs

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

#print code

fd = open('code.asm','w')

print 'Compilando ...'
os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

print 'Ejecutando ...'
fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():
        if x in l:
            l = l.replace('\t',' ')
                i = 12
                spl = l.split(' ')
                if spl[i] == '':
                print 'reg: ',x
                finalRegs[x] = l.split(' ')[i].split('\t')[0]
                print 'err: '+l
            fregs -= 1
            if fregs == 0:
                #print 'sending regs ...'
                #print finalRegs
                buff = []
                for k in finalRegs.keys():
                    buff.append('%s=%s' % (k,finalRegs[k]))

                print '\n'.join(buff)+'\n'

                print s.readAll()
                print 'waiting flag ....'
                print s.readAll()

                print '----- yeah? -----'


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Vulcan DoS Vs Akamai

In the past I had to do several DoS security audits, with múltiples types of tests and intensities. Sometimes several DDoS protections were present like Akamai for static content, and Arbor for absorb part of the bandwith.

One consideration for the DoS/DDoS tools is that probably it will loss the control of the attacker host, and the tool at least has to be able to stop automatically with a timeout, but can also implement remote response checks.

In order to size the minimum mbps needed to flood a service or to retard the response in a significant amount of time, the attacker hosts need a bandwith limiter, that increments in a logarithmic way up to a limit agreed with the customer/isp/cpd.

There are DoS tools that doesn't have this timeouts, and bandwith limit based on mbps, for that reason I have to implement a LD_PRELOAD based solution: bwcontrol

Although there are several good tools for stressing web servers and web aplications like apache ab, or other common tools used for pen-testing, but I also wrote a fast web flooder in c++ named wflood.

As expected the most effective for taking down the web server are the slow-loris, slow-read and derivatives, few host were needed to DoS an online banking. 
Remote attacks to database and highly dynamic web content were discarded, that could be impacted for sure.

I did another tool in c++ for crafting massive tcp/udp/ip malformed packets, that impacted sometimes on load balancers and firewalls, it was vulcan, it freezed even the firewall client software.

The funny thing was that the common attacks against Akamai hosts, where ineffective, and so does the slow-loris family of attacks, because are common, and the Akamai nginx webservers are well tunned. But when tried vulcan, few intensity was enough to crash Akamai hosts.

Another attack vector for static sites was trying to locate the IP of the customer instead of Akamai, if the customer doesn't use the Akamai Shadow service, it's possible to perform a HTTP Host header scan, and direct the attack to that host bypassing Akamai.

And what about Arbor protection? is good for reducing the flood but there are other kind of attacks, and this protection use to be disabled by default and in local holidays can be a mess.

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  7. Hacking With Arduino
  8. Hacking 101
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quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020

Linux Stack Protection By Default

Modern gcc compiler (v9.2.0) protects the stack by default and you will notice it because instead of SIGSEGV on stack overflow you will get a SIGABRT, but it also generates coredumps.

In this case the compiler adds the variable local_10. This variable helds a canary value that is checked at the end of the function.
The memset overflows the four bytes stack variable and modifies the canary value.

The 64bits canary 0x5429851ebaf95800 can't be predicted, but in specific situations is not re-generated and can be bruteforced or in other situations can be leaked from memory for example using a format string vulnerability or an arbitrary read wihout overflowing the stack.

If the canary doesn't match, the libc function __stack_chck_fail is called and terminates the prorgam with a SIGABORT which generates a coredump, in the case of archlinux managed by systemd and are stored on "/var/lib/systemd/coredump/"

❯❯❯ ./test 
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated
fish: './test' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

❯❯❯ sudo lz4 -d core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000.lz4
[sudo] password for xxxx: 
Decoding file core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000 
core.test.1000.c611b : decoded 249856 bytes 

 ❯❯❯ sudo gdb /home/xxxx/test core.test.1000.c611b7caa58a4fa3bcf403e6eac95bb0.1121.1574354610000000 -q 

We specify the binary and the core file as a gdb parameters. We can see only one LWP (light weight process) or linux thread, so in this case is quicker to check. First of all lets see the back trace, because in this case the execution don't terminate in the segfaulted return.

We can see on frame 5 the address were it would had returned to main if it wouldn't aborted.

Happy Idea: we can use this stack canary aborts to detect stack overflows. In Debian with prevous versions it will be exploitable depending on the compilation flags used.
And note that the canary is located as the last variable in the stack so the previous variables can be overwritten without problems.

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"MANDIANT Memoryze is free memory forensic software that helps incident responders find evil in live memory. Memoryze can acquire and/or analyze memory images, and on live systems can include the paging file in its analysis." read more...


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TLS-Attacker V2.2 And The ROBOT Attack

We found out that many TLS implementations are still vulnerable to different variations of a 19-year old Bleichenbacher's attack. Since Hanno argued to have an attack name, we called it ROBOT:

Given the new attack variants, we released a new version of TLS-Attacker 2.2, which covers our vulnerabilities.

Bleichenbacher's attack from 1998

In 1998, Daniel Bleichenbacher discovered that the error messages given by SSL servers for errors in the PKCS #1 1.5 padding allow an adversary to execute an adaptive-chosen ciphertext attack. This attack also belongs to the category of padding oracle attacks. By performing the attack, the adversary exploits different responses returned by the server that decrypts the requests and validates the PKCS#1 1.5 padding. Given such a server, the attacker can use it as an oracle and decrypt ciphertexts.
We refer to one of our previous blog posts for more details.

OK, so what is new in our research?

In our research we performed scans of several well-known hosts and found out many of them are vulnerable to different forms of the attack. In the original paper, an oracle was constructed from a server that responded with different TLS alert messages. In 2014, further side-channels like timings were exploited. However, all the previous studies have considered mostly open source implementations. Only a few vulnerabilities have been found.

In our scans we could identify more than seven vulnerable products and open source software implementations, including F5, Radware, Cisco, Erlang, Bouncy Castle, or WolfSSL. We identified new side-channels triggered by incomplete protocol flows or TCP socket states.

For example, some F5 products would respond to a malformed ciphertext located in the ClientKeyExchange message with a TLS alert 40 (handshake failure) but allow connections to timeout if the decryption was successful. We could observe this behaviour only when sending incomplete TLS handshakes missing ChangeCipherSpec and Finished messages.
See our paper for more interesting results.

Release of TLS-Attacker 2.2

These new findings motivated us to implement the complete detection of Bleichenbacher attacks in our TLS-Attacker. Before our research, TLS-Attacker had implemented a basic Bleichenbacher attack evaluation with full TLS protocol flows. We extended this evaluation with shortened protocol flows with missing ChangeCipherSpec and Finished messages, and implemented an oracle detection based on TCP timeouts and duplicated TLS alerts. In addition, Robert (@ic0ns) added many fixes and merged features like replay attacks on 0-RTT in TLS 1.3.
You can find the newest version release here:

TLS-Attacker allows you to automatically send differently formatted PKCS#1 encrypted messages and observe the server behavior:
$ java -jar Attacks.jar bleichenbacher -connect [host]:[port]
In case the server responds with different error messages, it is most likely vulnerable. The following example provides an example of a vulnerable server detection output:
14:12:42 [main] CONSOLE attacks.impl.Attacker - A server is considered vulnerable to this attack if it responds differently to the test vectors.
14:12:42 [main] CONSOLE attacks.impl.Attacker - A server is considered secure if it always responds the same way.
14:12:49 [main] CONSOLE attacks.impl.Attacker - Found a difference in responses in the Complete TLS protocol flow with CCS and Finished messages.
14:12:49 [main] CONSOLE attacks.impl.Attacker - The server seems to respond with different record contents.
14:12:49 [main] INFO attacks.Main - Vulnerable:true
In this case TLS-Attacker identified that sending different PKCS#1 messages results in different server responses (the record contents are different).
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quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2020

Voodoo-Kali - Kali Linux Desktop On Windows 10


How it works?
 * Kali Linux with XFCE Desktop Environment in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
 * VcXsrv X Server for Windows is doing the hard GUI lifting
 * XFCE is started natively in WSL and displayed by VcXsrv

Install Voodoo-Kali:
 1, Enable WSL and install Kali Linux from the Microsoft Store. Read Install Kali Linux desktop on Windows 10 from Microsoft Store

 2, To start Kali Linux in Windows 10, open Command Prompt and enter the command: kali

 3, Enter this commands:
      apt install wget -y 
      bash ./install-WSL-Kali-X

 4, Download and install VcXsrv Windows X Server from SourceForge

 5, Start VcXsrv, accept change in firewall rules, exit VcXsrv

Run Voodoo-Kali:
   Start kali in Windows as normal user (that's default), and launch Voodoo-Kali:
    * as normal user: ./start-xfce
    * as root: sudo /root/xtart-xfce

Run Kali Desktop in an RDP session:
   In Kali Linux WSL, type: sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start
   In Windows 10, open Run and enter mstsc.exe and connect to ""

Status: Voodoo-Kali is in its infancy and it is far from being elegant. I'm working on it though and step by step I'll push out improvements. Below a snippet of the To-Do list:
 * Clean up and comment the scripts
 * Make for a cleaner exit
 * Better error handling and dependency checking (get rid of sleep, etc.)
 * Improve stability of Java programs
 * Improve the looks??
 * …

   Any help is truly appreciated, in any shape or form – from tips to pull requests.
   Why don't you join the forums to discuss?

Further Information:
 * Offsec – Kali Linux in the Windows App Store
 * MSDN – Windows Subsystem for Linux Overview

                                       Download Voodoo-Kali
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"W3AF is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend. This project is currently hosted at SourceForge." read more...

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Grok-backdoor - Backdoor With Ngrok Tunnel Support

Grok-backdoor is a simple python based backdoor, it uses Ngrok tunnel for the communication. Ngrok-backdoor can generate windows, linux and mac binaries using Pyinstaller.

All the code provided on this repository is for educational/research purposes only. Any actions and/or activities related to the material contained within this repository is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the code in this repository can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. Author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing the code in this repository to break the law.

  • Python 2.7
  • Pyinstaller 3.21
  • python-pip 9.0.1

Installation :
pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to register an acccount in to use this backdoor, provide Ngrok authcode while configuring the grok-backdoor. You will see a new tcp tunnel created in Ngrok status panel after the grok-backdoor server execution in victim machine.
Create backdoor binary by running:


Windows :

You can find the output binary in grok-backdoor/dist/ directory:

Run grok-backdoor output binary in victim machine and login to control panel to see the tunnel URL:

Telnet to tunnel URL to get the Bind shell: Enjoy shell :)

  • Multi platform support(windows,linux,Mac)
  • Autheticated bind shell
  • Ngrok tunnel for communication

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terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2020

How To Install And Config Modlishka Tool - Most Advance Reverse Proxy Phishing

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Nmap: Getting Started Guide

Nmap is a free utility tool for network discovery, port scanning and security auditing, even though we can use it for more than that but in this article we will learn how to do these three things with nmap.

The original author of nmap is Gordon Lyon (Fyodor). Nmap is licensed under GPL v2 and has available ports in many different languages. Nmap is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. You can download your copy of nmap from their website.

Lets get started with nmap.

When performing pentests we always look for networks we are going to attack. We need to identify live hosts on the network so that we can attack them. There are plenty of tools available for finding live hosts on a network but nmap is one of the best tools for doing this job.

Lets start with simple host (target) discovery scans i,e scans that will tell us which ip address is up on our target network. Those ip addresses which are up on our target network are the ones that are assigned to a device connected on our target network. Every device on the network is going to have a unique ip address.
To perform a simple host discovery scan we use the following command

nmap -v -sn

flags we used in the above command are
-v for verbose output
-sn to disable port scan (we don't want to scan for ports right now)

Following the flags is the ip address of the target network on which we want to look for live hosts. The /24 at the end of the ip address is the CIDR that specifies the subnet of the network on which we are looking for live hosts.

After running the above command you should get a list of live hosts on your target network.
If you just want to know the list of ip addresses your command is going to scan, you can use the -sL flag of the nmap like this.

nmap -sL

this command will simply output the list of ip addresses to scan.

We sometimes want to do dns resolution (resolving ip addresses to domain names) when performing our network scans and sometimes we don't want dns resolution. While performing a host discovery scan with nmap if we want to perform dns resolution we use -R flag in our command like this:

nmap -v -sn -R

And if we don't want to perform dns resolution of hosts during our scan we add the -n flag to our command like this:

nmap -v -sn -n

After we have discovered the hosts that are up on our target network, we usually put the ip addresses of these hosts into a file for further enumeration.

Next step in our enumeration would be to detect which operating system and which ports are running on these live hosts, for that we run this command:

nmap -O -v

here we use -O (capital o not zero) for operating system detection and by default nmap performs SYN Scan for port discovery. However nmap scans for 1000 ports only by default of a particular host.

To make nmap go over a list of ip addresses in a file we use -iL flag like this:

nmap -O -v -iL targetlist

where targetlist is the name of the file which contains ip addresses that we want to perform port scan on.

To make nmap scan all the ports of a target we use the -p flag like this:

nmap -p- -v

We can also specify a range of ports using the -p flag like this:

nmap -p1-500 -v

here 1-500 means scan all the ports from 1 to 500.

We can use a number of scan techniques to discover open ports on our network but I will only discuss some of them for brevity.

We can perform a TCP SYN scan using nmap with -sS flag like this:

nmap -sS -v

We have also flags for TCP connect and ACK scans which are -sT -sA

nmap -sT -v

nmap -sA -v

We can also perform UDP scan as well instead of TCP scan using -sU flag

nmap -sU -v

We can perform TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans using the flags -sN, -sF, -sX

nmap -sN -v

nmap -sF -v

nmap -sX -v

If you don't know what these scans are then please visit Port Scanning Techniques and Algorithms for explanation.

After discovering the open ports on our target host, we want to enumerate what services are running on those open ports. To enumerate services and versions information on open ports we use the -sV flag like this:

nmap -sV -v

This should give us information about what services are running on what ports and what versions of those services are running on the target host.

nmap has an interesting feature called NSE nmap scripting engine. It allows users to write their own scripts, using the Lua programming language, to automate a wide variety of networking tasks. nmap ships with a diverse set of scripts which are very helpful to enumerate a target. To use the nmap default set of scripts while enumerating the target, we use the -sC flag like this:

nmap -sC -sV -v

We can also save the results of our nmap scans to a file using the -o flag like this

nmap -sC -sV -v -oA defaultscan

here -oA tells the nmap to output results in the three major formats at once and defaultscan is the name of the file that will be prepended to all the three output files.

This is the end of this short tutorial see you next time.

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Takeover - SubDomain TakeOver Vulnerability Scanner

Sub-domain takeover vulnerability occur when a sub-domain ( is pointing to a service (e.g: GitHub, AWS/S3,..) that has been removed or deleted. This allows an attacker to set up a page on the service that was being used and point their page to that sub-domain. For example, if was pointing to a GitHub page and the user decided to delete their GitHub page, an attacker can now create a GitHub page, add a CNAME file containing, and claim For more information: here

# git clone
# cd takeover
# python
wget -q && python

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